
Time for a Fresh Start

Hands clasped over water reflecting clouds.

Reflect, Refocus, and Refresh for a New Year

While most school years begin in August or September, many people use the start of the calendar year—January—as a time to reflect and refocus on growth. Now may be a good time for you to consider how you’re doing on your goals from last year and make plans for what steps you need to take to meet those goals, if you haven’t already, and establish new ones.

As school professionals, we’re experts at setting and managing school-related goals, but we also need to focus on ourselves. This blog examines some potential areas for your growth, professionally and personally, over the coming year. Using these strategies and ideas may help to ensure your well-being throughout the rest of the school year and the rest of 2025.

Professional Growth: Goals for the School Year

The new year (and, therefore, New Year’s resolutions) is conveniently placed just about halfway through the school year, so this may be a good time for you to reflect on which practices and strategies have been working well in your classroom. In addition, you may want to consider methods or styles you use that could be improved. The new year presents an opportunity for you to reassess practices, try new strategies, or dedicate more time to continuing education. Some examples of school-related goals may include the following:

  • Expand Your Knowledge Base: Commit to learning about one new professional-development topic this year. You could read a book, attend a workshop, take a course, or spend time talking with other professionals to build your knowledge base.
  • Enhance Classroom Management: Improve your classroom management by trying new, positive strategies. You could set a goal regarding how much praise you want to give or how much time you spend building relationships with students. You could also focus on greeting students each day.
  • Achieve Work-Life Balance: Establish the much discussed “healthy work-life balance.” Set boundaries around work, such as considering when you are willing to answer work-related emails and grade student work.

Setting positive goals to be pursued while you are at school can help give direction and structure to your work and potentially reduce your risk of burnout. In addition, seeking and engaging in better mental health at work by implementing the above strategies can contribute to better mental health all around.

Personal Growth: Goals Beyond the Classroom

Making sure you’re keeping up with your healthy habits and hobbies can be an important part of establishing and maintaining your overall health. Some goals that may be worth considering this year include the following:

  • Learn a New Skill or Hobby: Look, you’ve been thinking about buying roller skates for years. Surely, the excitement and adventure that learning a new skill will bring are worth the investment.
  • Strengthen Relationships: Work on increasing how frequently you meet with friends; commit to calling a loved one (hands free) on your commute home once a week; take an exercise or drawing class to meet new people.
  • Cultivate Mindfulness: Adding a mindful practice, such as journaling or breathing exercises, to your schedule, even if just for a few minutes a day, can help you stay calm, grounded, and focused.

A Successful Year Ahead

By setting thoughtful goals and taking deliberate steps to achieve them, you can make 2025 a year of growth and balance. Whether you focus on professional development, personal enrichment, or both, these strategies will help you thrive.

For additional resources on self-care and goal-setting, click here.


Lesh, J. J. (2020). Don’t forget about yourself: Words of wisdom on special education teacher self-care. Teaching Exceptional Children, 52(6), 367–370.


Keeping Your Cool This December: Strategies for Educators During the Holiday Season

Shot of a young girl looking bored while playing at a school desk

Introduction: Tackling the Holiday Challenges for Educators

December can be a tricky time for educators. For many, the end of November and all of December is considered to be the holiday season, which can bring celebration, joy, and anticipation. For most, the holiday season provides a welcome break from work and, perhaps, time to de-stress. However, the break actually comes at the end of December, and educators have to stay engaged and keep students involved and occupied as they forge on from Thanksgiving to winter break before they can indulge in relaxation. We know what that’s like, and we wanted to share some of our thoughts regarding one of the toughest teaching seasons of the year.

The Impact of Disruptions on Students

Whether they admit it or not, our students rely on routines to keep them organized and regulated. When breaks in the routine occur—such as special events, the end of the marking period, and vacations—students lose that sense of stability you’ve spent all year building. Students may lose motivation, feel overstimulated, or experience higher levels of stress, which can manifest as disengagement and misbehavior.

December doesn’t have to be nightmarish or traumatic. By thoughtfully planning your approach to these disruptions, you can minimize the psychological and behavioral effects students may experience during the holiday season.

How to Provide Structure During December

Maintaining structure helps students stay regulated during disruptions. Here’s how:

Reinforce Behavioral Expectations & Focus on Academic Rigor

  • According to Elias (1997), “a caring, supportive, and challenging classroom and school climate is most conducive to effective teaching and learning”. One of the ways a caring, supportive, and challenging classroom can be built is by maintaining rigorous expectations for your students, especially during disruptions and transitions. This may mean continuing to focus on academics, even if other classes may be indulging in less academic activities.
  • Remind students that, although the schedule may have changed, your expectations of them have not. Review the classroom rules and expectations with students, and stress that these expectations apply whether students are learning, going to assemblies, or going on field trips. Frequently discussing behavioral expectations in different contexts can help support positive behavior. Continue providing reinforcement for positive behavior and implementing consequences for rule breaking.

Maintaining Student Motivation

Motivating students during December requires creativity and flexibility. Consider the following:

  • Instead of offering free time or less-structured activities, provide opportunities for students to do deep learning or creative projects. For example, consider using December as a time to offer choices in research topics, work on creating presentations, or have students engage in group work.
  • Use a variety of metrics to assess student learning. Since students may be less focused, they may not perform as well on traditional tests but may be able to demonstrate their learning in other ways, such as participating in large- or small-group discussions, writing or blogging, or creating digital storytelling or infographics.

Supporting Students’ Emotional Needs

The holiday season can be stressful for students as well as educators. To support their emotional well-being:

  • This season can be just as stressful for our students as it is for us. You can help by incorporating social and emotional skills into lessons or offering a refresh on skills you’ve discussed previously. You may want to focus on skills regarding emotion regulation.

Ready to dive deeper? Explore our learning modules on teaching SEL skills and managing student behaviors.

Final Thoughts: A Thoughtful Approach for a Calm December

December doesn’t have to be stressful. By maintaining structure, motivating students with creative activities, and addressing emotional needs, you can create a calm and supportive environment for your students during the holiday season.

Continue reading “Keeping Your Cool This December: Strategies for Educators During the Holiday Season”

Reinforcing Gratitude and Mindfulness with SEL Skills in Schools

Photo of young adult smiling up at the sky with eyes closed.

Imagine you’re sitting at the dining room table with your family members. Quick, name something you’re thankful for that no one else at the table has said yet! It’s almost Thanksgiving, which means it’s time to get thoughtful and creative about what’s going right for you. Thinking about what we are grateful for can be good for making your grandmother cry happy tears at the dinner table, but it can also be an exercise in mindfulness and gratitude.

Practicing Gratitude and Mindfulness This Thanksgiving

Mindfulness is the practice of bringing one’s attention to the present moment in an accepting way. Practicing mindfulness can involve noticing one’s thoughts, feelings, or surroundings, and it involves one allowing their thoughts and sensations to drift into and out of their awareness without being distracted by them, judging them, or reacting to them. With practice, engaging in mindfulness can help an individual stay present, be less impulsive, and reduce their stress. For school personnel, specifically, using mindfulness is associated with having lower levels of job stress and lower rates of burnout and alleviating their depression and anxiety symptoms (Braun et al., 2019).

Three Mindful Practices for the Busy Season

  • Mindful Eating: Take time to really notice the flavor, texture, and smells of your food without distractions.
  • Attentive Listening: During conversations with family and friends, practice listening attentively and nonjudgmentally to what’s being said right now. Try not to plan what you’ll say next or think about the “baggage” others may bring to the conversation.
  • Appreciate nature: Getting outside and noticing the change of the seasons can be good ways to practice mindfulness and grounding. Notice the sounds, colors, and smells that surround you.

The Importance of Gratitude for Mental Health

Gratitude can also be a helpful tool that you can use to improve your mental health. The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California (Berkeley) reports that engaging in gratitude practices is associated with several improved individual, social, and health outcomes. For school professionals, participating in gratitude practices is also positively associated with better and more fulfilling work engagement and lower rates of burnout (Nicuță et al., 2022).

Three Ways to Practice Gratitude Year-Round

  • Reflect: Take time and reflect on your year, the last month, or just the last day. Consider all of the moments, decisions, and connections that have gone right.
  • Journal: Gratitude journaling is a common way to start keeping track of people or experiences you are thankful for. Writing for a few minutes a day can make a big difference in your perspectives on family, life, and even the world.
  • Give Back: Volunteering or donating can be a way to share your gratitude for your community.

Encouraging Gratitude and Mindfulness in Students

We, as educators can also encourage our students to practice mindfulness and gratitude. These skills can be incorporated into SEL skills lessons, or they can be themes that we can draw connections to throughout this season. We can also teach these skills by modeling them: give thanks and praise when students are doing well, appreciate the present, and ensure we provide students with positive feedback so they can learn how to support others.

Explore More SEL Resources

For more training on SEL and self-care, explore our SEL Learning Modules or check out our Self-Care Learning Modules for school personnel.



Allen, S. (2018). The science of gratitude [White paper]. Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley.

Braun, S. S., Roeser, R. W., Mashburn, A. J., & Skinner, E. (2019). Middle school teachers’ mindfulness, occupational health and well-being, and the quality of teach-student interactions.. Mindfulness, 10(2), 245–255.

Nicuță, E. G., Diaconu-Gherasim, L. R., & Constantin, T. (2023). How trait gratitude relates to teachers’ burnout and work engagement: Job demands and resources as mediators. Current Psychology, 42, 30338–30347.

Implementing MTSS in Secondary Schools: A Guide to Using the Lippit-Knoster Model for Managing Complex Change

Graphic breaking down the Lippitt-Knoster Model.
Caredda, S. (2020). The Lippitt-Knoster Model for Managing Complex Change.

Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) in secondary schools can be challenging but rewarding, and it can offer comprehensive benefits to students and staff. The Lippit-Knoster Model for Managing Complex Change provides a systematic guide for MTSS implementation by focusing on six essential elements: vision, consensus, skills, incentives, resources, and an action plan. Addressing each of these components can eliminate common obstacles to change and foster a supportive school environment (Knoster, 1991; Reynolds, 2023).

Why MTSS Matters in Secondary Education

Secondary schools have unique challenges when it comes to MTSS implementation, including the complexity of student needs and a more rigid schedule with multiple class transitions. MTSS offers a structured approach to address these, benefiting students academically, behaviorally, and socially. Below, we outline how each element of the Lippit-Knoster Model applies to MTSS in secondary settings, with practical steps and resources.

Vision: Establishing Purpose and Scope

A well-defined, shared vision is foundational to MTSS success. As Jimerson, Burns, and VanDerHeyden (2016) emphasize, an unclear vision can hinder MTSS implementation, especially in high schools that have complex student needs. For instance, a high school’s MTSS vision might focus on reducing dropout rates, increasing graduation rates, or supporting student mental health. Aligning MTSS with school goals ensures the MTSS model is tailored to student needs, so its outcomes will be impactful.

Resource Spotlight: The Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s MTSS resources offer exemplary guidance on implementing MTSS, which can be customized to individual school priorities (Briesch et al., 2020).

Consensus: Building a Collaborative Culture

Achieving consensus is vital for fostering a collaborative environment in which teachers, students, parents, and administrators support MTSS goals. An effective strategy for building consensus is “data storytelling,” which frames school data in meaningful ways. Visual and narrative presentations of data can help convey the purpose and benefits of MTSS and can help build a shared understanding and commitment (Curry, 2021).

Resource Spotlight: Edutopia’s guide to consensus-building strategies for school leaders provides frameworks for creating data stories that resonate with diverse audiences. Education Week created charts are based on Panorama’s State of MTSS 2023 Survey. Consider using these as the foundation, along with your school’s data, to tell your MTSS story.

Skills: Equipping Educators for MTSS Success

Equipping educators with the right skills is essential for the effective implementation of MTSS, which relies on a set of specific competencies across various roles within the school. These include skills in using data analysis, identifying and administering tiered interventions, and adapting instruction to meet diverse student needs. The Lippit-Knoster Model emphasizes that having the necessary skills can help to relieve staff anxiety and uncertainty, which are common barriers to successful MTSS adoption. A well-structured professional development program that is tailored to MTSS competencies can ensure educators feel confident and prepared to apply MTSS effectively in the classroom.

Resource Spotlight: The MTSS training series by School Resources to Support Military-Connected Students offers short, focused MTSS training sessions that are helpful for working with diverse student populations.

Incentives: Motivating Engagement and Participation

Offering incentives can help foster engagement with MTSS by highlighting its positive impacts on school culture and student outcomes. For example, using Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), which aligns with MTSS principles, can demonstrate how structured support may decrease disciplinary incidents and enhance the school climate. Studies like Elrod et al. (2021) show that PBIS’s focus on positivity and support correlates with fewer behavior incidents and improved teacher buy-in.

Resource Spotlight: Data from studies, such as those on PBIS effectiveness, can serve as incentives for educators by illustrating the tangible benefits of MTSS implementation.

Resources: Ensuring Comprehensive Support Systems

A successful MTSS model requires a strategic alignment of resources to support students and educators across all tiers of intervention. The Lippit-Knoster Model emphasizes the importance of accessible resources and notes that missing resources can lead to frustration and implementation challenges. According to Reynolds (2023), schools that prioritize strategic resource planning experience smoother MTSS integration and encourage staff to remain focused on student outcomes rather than logistical issues.

Resource Spotlight: The Continuum of Evidence by the Clearinghouse for Military Family Readiness at Penn State is a helpful tool that categorizes interventions by efficacy and target demographics. Additionally, evidence-based intervention platforms such as What Works Clearinghouse and Evidence for ESSA provide rigorous evaluations of interventions, allowing schools to select the most effective, research-backed programs.

Action Plan: Charting a Path for Sustainable MTSS Implementation

Creating and using a detailed action plan can be essential for sustaining MTSS implementation. The MTSS Center’s planning guides for middle and high schools outline critical considerations and offer guiding questions tailored to each educational level. These documents are helpful for planning phases, structuring interventions, and evaluating progress, which can help to ensure MTSS remains adaptable to school-specific needs.

Resource Spotlight: The MTSS Center’s action plan documents help organize implementation strategies that are tailored to meet the unique needs of middle schools and high schools.

Summary: Using the Lippit-Knoster Model to successfully implement an MTSS framework

The Lippit-Knoster Model provides a structured framework for managing MTSS implementation in secondary schools. Addressing vision, consensus, skills, incentives, resources, and action plans helps establish a robust foundation for MTSS that can be sustained over time. When fully implemented, MTSS improves student academic and behavioral outcomes and fosters a positive, inclusive school environment where students and staff thrive together.

Next Steps and Resources

Ready to implement MTSS? The MTSS Check-Up is a flexible toolkit that allows school personnel to create an MTSS framework that is effective for their needs.

Have you tried implementing MTSS at your school? Share your experiences and insights with us here.


Briesch, A. M., Chafouleas, S. M., Nissen, K., & Long, S. (2020). A review of state-level procedural guidance for implementing multitiered systems of support for behavior (MTSS-B). Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 22(3), 131-144.

Curry, V. (2021, April 21). A consensus-building strategy for school leaders. Edutopia.

Durrance, S. (2023). Implementing MTSS in secondary schools: Challenges and strategies. Comprehensive Center Network.

Elrod, B. G., Rice, K. G., & Meyers, J. (2021). PBIS fidelity, school climate, and student discipline: A longitudinal study of secondary schools. Psychology in the Schools, 59(2), 318-335.

Jimerson, S.R., Burns, M.K., & VanDerHeyden, A.M. (2016). Handbook of response to intervention: The science and practice of Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (2nd ed.). Springer.

Reynolds, K. B. (2023). Implementation of a multi-tiered system of supports in public schools to improve student behavior indicators and mental health (Doctoral dissertation, Southern Nazarene University). ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

Social-Emotional Learning vs. Socioemotional Learning: A Linguistic Exploration

In education and psychology, the acronym SEL commonly stands for Social-Emotional Learning. This term refers to a structured framework that is designed to cultivate students’ emotional-intelligence skills and social skills, and having and using these skills are crucial for personal development and academic success (Greenberg et al., 2017). However, a question often arises regarding the suitable written form of this term: should it be “social-emotional learning” or “socioemotional learning”? Are both forms acceptable?

Social-Emotional Learning (SEL): This term explicitly separates the domains of social interactions and emotional development. It underscores integrating both aspects in educational practices to enhance students’ emotional awareness, self-regulation, and interpersonal skills (Durlak et al., 2011).

Socioemotional Learning: This alternative form combines the terms “socio-” (from the Latin “socius,” meaning companion or partner) and “emotional.” This coalescing implies a joint consideration of social and emotional factors without explicit separation. It offers a unified perspective on the interplay between social contexts and emotional experiences (Brackett & Katulak, 2007).

The American Psychological Association (APA) style guide clarifies such terminology matters. According to APA 7th edition guidelines, to introduce an acronym, write out the entire term or title in initial use, place the acronym in parentheses after the first reference, and use the acronym thereafter (American Psychological Association, 2020). Therefore, regardless of whether one uses “social-emotional learning” or “socioemotional learning,” consistency in usage is key once the acronym, SEL, is established.

Scholars and researchers tend to favor “social-emotional learning” in academic discourse. This preference may stem from the term’s widespread adoption in educational research and policy documents (Durlak et al., 2011). The hyphenated form clarifies the distinct yet interconnected nature of social and emotional competencies targeted by SEL programs.

In contrast, “socioemotional learning” appears less frequently in scholarly literature but is occasionally employed in contexts that emphasize the holistic integration of social and emotional competencies (Brackett & Katulak, 2007).

From a practical standpoint, the choice between “social-emotional learning” and “socioemotional learning” may depend on the writer’s preference, institutional guidelines, or specific disciplinary norms. Both forms are technically correct and convey similar meanings, which focus on developing emotional-intelligence skills and interpersonal skills that are crucial for students’ personal growth and academic achievement.

“Social-emotional learning” and “socioemotional learning” are acceptable terms in educational and psychological literature. The former emphasizes the distinct yet interrelated components of social interactions and emotional development. The latter integrates these aspects under a unified perspective. When choosing how to write these terms, you should consider clarity and consistency and adhere to disciplinary norms or style guidelines.

As educators and researchers continue to explore and refine approaches to enhancing students’ emotional-intelligence skills and social skills, the terminology used, whether “social-emotional learning” or “socioemotional learning,” should reflect the nuanced goals and methodologies of SEL programs.

No matter which term you prefer, we invite you to explore our free, evidence-informed SEL learning modules to learn new strategies to support your military-connected students.


American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.

Brackett, M. A., & Katulak, N. A. (2007). Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom: Skill-Based Training for Teachers and Students. In J. Ciarrochi & J. D. Mayer (Eds.), Applying emotional intelligence: A practitioner’s guide (pp. 1–27). Psychology Press.

Durlak, J. A., Weissberg, R. P., Dymnicki, A. B., Taylor, R. D., & Schellinger, K. B. (2011). The impact of enhancing students’ social and emotional learning: A meta-analysis of school-based universal interventions. Child Development, 82(1), 405–432.

Every Student Succeeds Act, 20 U.S.C. § 6301 (2015).

Fenning, P. (2022). School supports for students in military families. The Guilford Press.

Forman, S. G., & Crystal, C. D. (2015). Systems consultation for multi-tiered systems of supports (MTSS): Implementation issues. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 25(2–3), 276–285.

Greenberg, M. T., Domitrovich, C. E., Weissberg, R. P., & Durlak, J. A. (2017). Social and Emotional Learning as a Public Health Approach to Education. The Future of Children, 27(1), 13–32.

Hernandez Finch, M. E. (2012). Special considerations with response to intervention and instruction for students with diverse backgrounds. Psychology in the Schools, 49(3), 285-296.

Lee, A., & Gage, N. A. (2020). Updating and expanding systematic reviews and meta-analyses on the effects of school-wide positive behavior interventions and supports. Psychology in the Schools, 57, 783–804.