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The Clearinghouse has conducted research that may be beneficial to school personnel who work with military-connected students. To browse the available research, use the search bar below, or filter by topic. When you identify research that you are interested in, click the “View” button to access it.

Understanding Military Families Who Have Dependents with Special Health Care and/or Educational Needs2016Viewspecial-education
Guide to Virtual Learning Options for School Year (SY) 2020-20212020Viewcovid-19
Post-Pandemic Early Learning: Resources for Parents and Educators2021Viewcovid-19
Externalizing and Internalizing Behavior Problems, Peer Affiliations, and Bullying Involvement Across the Transition to Middle School2013Viewbullying
Peer Relations of Bullies, Bully-Victims, and Victims: The Two Social Worlds of Bullying in Second-Grade Classrooms2010Viewbullying
The Effects of Military-Connected Parental Absence on the Behavioural and Academic Functioning of Children: A Literature Review2015Viewmilitary
Google It: A Component Analysis of Free Online Violent Threat Assessment Tools for Schools2020Viewviolence
Resources for Military Family Health and Well-Being During Online and Home Education2020Viewcovid-19
Telehealth & Telemedicine: Rapid Resource Review2020Viewcovid-19
The Impact of Service on Military Children and Programs to Promote Family Well-being2019Viewmilitary
De-Escalation Training for School Personnel2021Viewviolence
Strategies, Programs, and Resources to Prevent Suicide in Military Family Members2020Viewsuicide
Food Insecurity and Military Families2021Viewmilitary
Supporting Military Families: An Overview of Military Family Outcomes and Evidence Informed Practices2019Viewmilitary
Resources to Help Military-Connected Children Stay Academically Engaged During a PCS Move2021Viewmilitary
Healthy Food Celebration Policies2020Viewwellness
Resilience and Positive Outcomes in Adolescents2019Viewwellness
Internet Addiction2020Viewwellness
Secondary Traumatic Stress in Nurses2016Viewtrauma
Chronic Absenteeism: Strategies and Resources to Improve Attendance2018Viewacademics
Military-Connected Students’ Educational Success: Literature Review2022Viewacademics
Professional Learning Needs for School Personnel Who Support Military-Connected Students2023Viewmilitary
Examining the Relationship of Mental Wellbeing and Recreational Sports in Adolescents and Adults: Rapid Literature Review2023Viewwellness
Domestic Abuse and Child Abuse and Neglect: Barriers to Mandated Reporting Rapid Literature Review (update)2023Viewabuse
State Implementation of Four Initiatives to Support Military-Connected Students2023Viewmilitary
An Implementation Evaluation of Four Initiatives Intended to Support Military-Connected Children’s Educational Success2024Viewmilitary
An Evaluation of Four Initiatives – Variation in Implementation2024Viewmilitary
An Evaluation of Four Initiatives – Recommendations2024Viewmilitary
An Evaluation of Four Initiatives – Compliance and Enforcement2024Viewmilitary
An Evaluation of Four Initiatives – Awareness and Accessibility2024Viewmilitary