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Student Suicide Prevention

A high school student sits in his counselor's office. The counselor is smiling and leaning forward. The student is facing toward the counselor, leaning his chin on his hand.

September was National Suicide Prevention and National Preparedness Month. Now that September has come and gone, how do you feel about your school’s readiness to prevent and respond to student suicide?

The School Resources for Military-Connected Students website offers a series of 42 free, online, on-demand, bite-sized learning modules that examine and talk about preventing and responding to student suicidal ideation, student suicide attempts, and student suicide and those left behind. You can complete the entire series, or you can focus on a specific module or several modules based on your school’s needs. The learning modules are based on research that pertains to student suicide. We invite you to explore the first training in the series, which is listed below:

Readiness to Prevent Student Suicide

  • Create a plan to improve the readiness of you and your school to detect and respond to student suicide ideation.

Additional Resources

Below are additional resources to help you strengthen suicide prevention efforts in your school:

Suicide Prevention Resource Center: School Resources

  • The link above will take you to a website compiled by the Suicide Prevention Resource Center in collaboration with the University of Oklahoma and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). This website houses a variety of resources and information that intend to help schools take action to prevent student suicide. It also offers information on how schools can prepare to react and respond when a student suicide death does occur.

Model Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Policy

  • The link above is a resource that was created to identify and inform those involved in school settings about Pennsylvania’s Model Youth Suicide Awareness and Prevention Policy. This was created, exclusively, for school entities.

Preventing Youth Suicide: Brief Facts and Tips

  • The link above is a fact sheet created by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), and it includes information about student suicide. This fact sheet provides facts and tips that intend to help school personnel prevent student suicide.

Thank you for all you do to support military-connected students. We hope these resources are useful in your professional practice. If you have questions or need help, visit the Contact Us page to reach out to us. If you would like to receive updates about new trainings or resources, sign up for our Mailing List.