Suicide Prevention

Military-connected adolescents may be at greater risk for feeling sad, hopeless, or depressed and experiencing suicidal ideation (Cederbaum et. al., 2014). This series, Suicide Prevention, is a collection of 42 mini-trainings, each focusing on a specific skill that will help school personnel prepare for, screen for, identify, and respond to suicidality in students. These trainings summarize research about student suicide, provide opportunities to practice developing skills, and include take-home resources to help school personnel apply the content from each training.


Cederbaum, J. A., Gilreath, T. D., Benbenishty, R., Astor, R. A., Pineda, D., DePedro, K. T., Esqueda, M. C., & Atuel, H. (2014). Well-being and suicidal ideation of secondary school students from military families. Journal of Adolescent Health, 54(6), 672–677.

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